Service is a basic requirement for a well-functioning society.  We are not referring to the help given by retail store attendants or restaurant’s waiters, but the primary human instinct to help and serve our community and society. Service is defined as the “action of helping” or “doing work for someone.”

It is well documented that societies, which exhibit a greater orientation to service, are stronger and healthier, both as a group and individually. Britain’s Prince Harry, soon to finish his military service, has called for a return to the conscription or requirement for National Service.  The need for increased discipline and sense of contribution, which are just two of the positive outcomes, mentioned by Prince Harry, may be accomplished in a politically mandated program, possibly voluntary and possibly outside the military.

Whitespace is passionate about increasing the discipline, which is so lacking in modern society, where the value placed on personal freedom has detracted from responsibility to our fellow man.

We would appreciate your thoughts on “service” and “discipline” and welcome the debate on how to achieve the happier community we all desire.